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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Jager, T, Albert, C, Preuss, TG, and Ashauer, R (2011).
General Unified Threshold Model of Survival - a Toxicokinetic-Toxicodynamic Framework for Ecotoxicology
Environmental Science & Technology, 45(7):2529-2540.

Jurado Ruzafa, A, Henarejos, C, Nazaret, M, Duque Nogal, V, Hernández Rodríguez, E, Pascual Alayón, PJ, and García Santamaría, MT (2011).
Preliminary data on horse mackerel (Trachurus spp) landings from Mauritanian waters
Mediterranea. Serie de Estudis Biologicos, Epoca II:9-30.

Karleskind, P, Lévy, M, and Mémery, L (2011).
Modifications of mode water properties by sub-mesoscales in a bio-physical model of the Northeast Atlantic
Ocean Modelling, 39(1–2):47-60.

L'Humanité (2011).
Le mercure a cure de la banquise

Lachkar, Z and Gruber, N (2011).
A comparative study of biological production in eastern boundary upwelling systems using an artificial neural network
Biogeosciences Discussions, 8(5):9901-9941.

Liquete, C, Somma, F, and Maes, J (2011).
A clear delimitation of coastal waters facing the EU environmental legislation: from the Water Framework Directive to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Environmental Science & Policy, 14(4):432-444.

Lortic, B and Couret, D (2011).
Manuel de cartographie rapide. De l'échelle de la région à celle du mobilier urbain
IRD, Marseille, France.

Luiz, OJ, Madin, JS, Robertson, DR, Rocha, LA, Wirtz, P, and Floeter, SR (2011).
Ecological traits influencing range expansion across large oceanic dispersal barriers: insights from tropical Atlantic reef fishes
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, In press.

Marcello, J, Hernández-Guerra, A, Eugenio, F, and Fonte, A (2011).
Seasonal and temporal study of the northwest African upwelling system
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(7):1843.

Martin, B (2011).
Dynamic Energy Budget theory meets individual-based modelling: a generic and accessible implementation
Miscellaneous publication.

Martín Mederos, A, Medina Padrón, J, and Feijóo Lorenzo, A (2011).
An offshore wind atlas for the Canary Islands
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(1):612-620.

Mason, E, Colas, F, Molemaker, J, Shchepetkin, AF, Troupin, C, McWilliams, JC, and Sangrà, P (2011).
Seasonal variability of the Canary Current: A numerical study
Journal of Geophysical Research, 116:20 PP..

McKinley, AC, Dafforn, KA, Taylor, MD, and Johnston, EL (2011).
High Levels of Sediment Contamination Have Little Influence on Estuarine Beach Fish Communities
PLoS ONE, 6(10).

Michel, J, Westphal, H, and von Cosel, R (2011).
The mollusk fauna of soft sediments from the tropical, upwelling-influenced shelf of Mauritania (northwestern Africa)
Palaios, 26(7):447-460.

Michel, J, Westphal, H, and Von Cosel, R (2011).
The Mollusk Fauna of Soft Sediments from the Tropical, Upwelling-Influenced Shelf of Mauritania (northwestern Africa)
PALAIOS, 26(7):447-460.

Moloney, CL, St John, MA, Denman, KL, Karl, DM, Köster, FW, Sundby, S, and Wilson, RP (2011).
Weaving marine food webs from end to end under global change
Journal of Marine Systems, 84(3-4):106-107.

Monde, L (2011).
Riz chinois pollué
Le Monde.

Moujane, A, Chagdali, M, Blanke, B, and Mordane, S (2011).
Impact des vents sur l’upwelling au sud du Maroc; apport du modèle ROMS forcé par les données ALADIN et QuikSCAT
Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat(33):55-66.

Mélin, F and Hoepffner, N (2011).
Case Study 6: Monitoring Phytoplankton Productivity from Satellite
In: Morales, J., Stuart, V., Olatt, T. and Sathyendranath,S. (Eds.). PRESPO/IOCCG. Handbook of Satellite Remote Sensing Image Interpretation: Applications for Marine Living Resources Conservation and Management, pp. 79-93, EU PRESPO and IOCCG, Dartmouth, Canada.

Nguyen, KDT, Morley, SA, Lai, C, Clark, MS, Tan, KS, Bates, AE, and Peck, LS (2011).
Upper Temperature Limits of Tropical Marine Ectotherms: Global Warming Implications
PLoS ONE, 6(12).

Nicol, S (2011).
Givers of life
New Scientist, 2820:36-39.

Pardo, PC, Padín, XA, Gilcoto, M, Farina-Busto, L, and Pérez, FF (2011).
Evolution of upwelling systems coupled to the long-term variability in sea surface temperature and Ekman transport
Clim Res, 48(2-3):231-246.

Perry, RI, Ommer, RE, Barange, M, Jentoft, S, Neis, B, and Sumaila, UR (2011).
Marine social–ecological responses to environmental change and the impacts of globalization
Fish and Fisheries, In press.

Pohl, C, Croot, P, Hennings, U, Daberkow, T, Budeus, G, and Loeff, MRv (2011).
Synoptic transects on the distribution of trace elements (Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Co, Mn, Fe, and Al) in surface waters of the Northern- and Southern East Atlantic
Journal of Marine Systems, 84(1-2):28-41.

Polanco, J, Ganzedo, U, Sáenz, J, Caballero-Alfonso, A, and Castro-Hernández, J (2011).
Wavelet analysis of correlation among Canary Islands octopus captures per unit effort, sea-surface temperatures and the North Atlantic Oscillation
Fisheries Research, 107(1-3):177-183.

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