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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

de Graaf, GJ, Grainger, RJR, Westlund, L, Willmann, R, Mills, D, Kelleher, K, and Koranteng, K (2011).
The status of routine fishery data collection in Southeast Asia, central America, the South Pacific, and West Africa, with special reference to small-scale fisheries
ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 68(8):1743-1750.

Degger, N, Wepener, V, Richardson, B, and Wu, R (2011).
Application of artificial mussels (AMs) under South African marine conditions: A validation study
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 63(5-12):108-118.

Demarcq, H and Dagorne, D (2011).
Case study 15. Biological Response Associated With a Coastal Upwelling Event
In: Morales, J., Stuart, V., Olatt, T. and Sathyendranath,S. (Eds.). PRESPO/IOCCG. Handbook of Satellite Remote Sensing Image Interpretation: Applications for Marine Living Resources Conservation and Management, pp. 217-228, EU PRESPO and IOCCG, Dartmouth, Canada.

Dumas, M, Frossard, E, and Scholz, R (2011).
Modeling biogeochemical processes of phosphorus for global food supply
Chemosphere, 84:798–805.

Durrieu de Madron, X, Guieu, C, Sempéré, R, Conan, P, Cossa, D, D'Ortenzio, F, Estournel, C, Gazeau, F, Rabouille, C, Stemmann, L, Bonnet, S, Diaz, F, Koubbi, P, Radakovitch, O, Babin, M, Baklouti, M, Bancon-Montigny, C, Belviso, S, Bensoussan, N, Bonsang, B, Bouloubassi, I, Brunet, C, Cadiou, J, Carlotti, F, Chami, M, Charmasson, S, Charrière, B, Dachs, J, Doxaran, D, Dutay, J, Elbaz-Poulichet, F, Eléaume, M, Eyrolles, F, Fernandez, C, Fowler, S, Francour, P, Gaertner, J, Galzin, R, Gasparini, S, Ghiglione, J, Gonzalez, J, Goyet, C, Guidi, L, Guizien, K, Heimbürger, L, Jacquet, S, Jeffrey, W, Joux, F, Le Hir, P, Leblanc, K, Lefèvre, D, Lejeusne, C, Lemé, R, Loÿe-Pilot, M, Mallet, M, Méjanelle, L, Mélin, F, Mellon, C, Mérigot, B, Merle, P, Migon, C, Miller, W, Mortier, L, Mostajir, B, Mousseau, L, Moutin, T, Para, J, Pérez, T, Petrenko, A, Poggiale, J, Prieur, L, Pujo-Pay, M, Pulido-Villena, P, Raimbault, A, Rees, C, Ridame, J, Rontani, D, Ruiz Pino, M, Sicre, V, Taillandier, C, Tamburini, T, Tanaka, I, Taupier-Letage, M, Tedetti, P, Testor, H, Thébault, B, Thouvenin, F, Touratier, J, Tronczynski, C, Ulses, F, Van Wambeke, V, Vantrepotte, S, Vaz, R, and Verney (2011).
Marine ecosystems' responses to climatic and anthropogenic forcings in the Mediterranean
Progress In Oceanography, In Press, Corrected Proof.

EEA (2011).
Hazardous substances in Europe's fresh and marine waters - An overview
European Environmental Agency, Technical report(8/2011).

Eichinger, M (2011).
An individual modelling approach to estimate fate and effects of PCBs on the common sole (Solea solea)
Miscellaneous publication.

European Environment Agency, ( (2011).
Hazardous substances in Europe’s fresh and marine waters - News - EEA
Miscellaneous publication,\_campaign=hazardous-substances-in-europe2019s-fresh&utm\_medium=email&utm\_source=EEASubscriptions.

Fablet, R, Pecquerie, L, de Pontual, H, Høie, H, Millner, R, Mosegaard, H, and Kooijman, SALM (2011).
Shedding Light on Fish Otolith Biomineralization Using a Bioenergetic Approach
PLoS ONE, 6(11):e27055.

FDA (2011).
Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance

Fischer, G, Basse, A, Iversen, M, Klann, M, Nowald, N, Ruhland, G, Reuter, C, Thiele, S, Dia, A, and Ettahir, O (2011).
Report and preliminary results of RV POSEIDON Cruise POS 396, Las Palmas - Las Palmas (Spain), 24 February - 8 March 2010.
Universität Bremen, Cruise Report(277), Bremen, Germany.

Formenti, P, Schütz, L, Balkanski, Y, Desboeufs, K, Ebert, M, Kandler, K, Petzold, A, Scheuvens, D, Weinbruch, S, and Zhang, D (2011).
Recent progress in understanding physical and chemical properties of African and Asian mineral dust
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(16):8231-8256.

Foster, G and Rahmstorf, S (2011).
Global temperature evolution 1979–2010
Environmental Research Letters, 6(4):044022.

García-Talavera, M, Matarranz, J, Salas, R, and Ramos, L (2011).
A regulatory perspective on the radiological impact of NORM industries: the case of the Spanish phosphate industry
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 102(1):1-7.

Gioia, R, Eckhardt, S, Breivik, K, Jaward, FM, Prieto, A, Nizzetto, L, and Jones, KC (2011).
Evidence for Major Emissions of PCBs in the West African Region
Environmental Science & Technology, 45(4):1349-1355.

Gonzalez-Rey, M, Lau, T, Gomes, T, Maria, V, Bebianno, M, and Wu, R (2011).
Comparison of metal accumulation between 'Artificial Mussel' and natural mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in marine environments
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 63(5-12):149-153.

Gruber, N, Lachkar, Z, Frenzel, H, Marchesiello, P, Münnich, M, McWilliams, JC, Nagai, T, and Plattner, G (2011).
Eddy-induced reduction of biological production in eastern boundary upwelling systems
Nature Geoscience, 4(11):787-792.

Hilmi, K, Benazzouz, A, and Makaoui, A (2011).
MyOcean products for marine resources
Miscellaneous publication.

Hoepffner, N, Clerici, M, and Marelli, A (2011).
Marine and Coastal Information Systems for Europe and Africa
In: , pp. 08003, EDP Sciences (ISBN: 978-2-7598-0645-4).

Hollowed, AB, Barange, M, Ito, S, Kim, S, Loeng, H, and Peck, MA (2011).
Effects of climate change on fish and fisheries: forecasting impacts, assessing ecosystem responses, and evaluating management strategies
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(6):984-985.

Hufnagl, M and Peck, MA (2011).
Physiological individual-based modelling of larval Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) foraging and growth: insights on climate-driven life-history scheduling
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(6):1170-1188.

Idardare, Z, Moukrim, A, Chiffoleau, JF, and Alla, AA (2011).
Trace metals in the clam Donax trunculus L. from the Bouadisse sandy beach, discharge zone of a plant sewage outfall in Agadir Bay (Morocco)
In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Sandy Beaches, vol. Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique, Rabat, pp. 61–58, Rabat, Morocco.

Irigoien, X, Chust, G, Fernandes, JA, Albaina, A, and Zarauz, L (2011).
Factors determining the distribution and betadiversity of mesozooplankton species in shelf and coastal waters of the Bay of Biscay
Journal of Plankton Research, 33(8):1182-1192.

Ismail, A and Yusof, S (2011).
Effect of mercury and cadmium on early life stages of Java medaka (Oryzias javanicus): A potential tropical test fish
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 63(5-12):347-349.

Jackson, T, Bouman, HA, Sathyendranath, S, and Devred, E (2011).
Regional-scale changes in diatom distribution in the Humboldt upwelling system as revealed by remote sensing: implications for fisheries
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(4):729-736.

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