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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Champagnat, C and Domain, F (1978).
Migrations des poissons démersaux le long des côtes ouest-africaines de 10 à 24 de latitude nord
Cah. ORSTOM Ser. Océanogr, 16:239–261.

Codispoti, L and Friederich, G (1978).
Local and mesoscale influences on nutrient variability in the northwest African upwelling region near Cabo Corbeiro
Deep Sea Research, 25(9):751-770.

Eaton, JG, McKim, JM, and Holcombe, GW (1978).
Metal toxicity to embryos and larvae of seven freshwater fish species - i. cadmium
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 19(1):95–103.

Bull, KR, Murton, RK, Osborn, D, Ward, P, and Cheng, L (1977).
High levels of cadmium in Atlantic seabirds and sea-skaters
Nature, 269(5628):507–509.

Christensen, J and Packard, T (1977).
Sediment metabolism from the northwest African upwelling system
Deep Sea Research, 24(4):331-343.

Gillbricht, M (1977).
Phytoplankton distribution in the upwelling area off NW Africa
Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, 29(4):417-438.

Huntsman, SA and Barber, RT (1977).
Primary production off northwest Africa: the relationship to wind and nutrient conditions
Deep Sea Research, 24(1):25-33.

Maurin, C, Bonnet, M, and Ouero, J (1977).
Poissons des côtes nord-ouest africaines (Campagnes de la Thalassa 1962, 1968, 1971 et 1973.
Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes, 41(1):5–92.

Rowe, G, Clifford, C, and Smith Jr., K (1977).
Nutrient regeneration in sediments off Cap Blanc, Spanish Sahara
Deep Sea Research, 24(1):57-63.

Smith, SL and Whitledge, TE (1977).
The role of zooplankton in the regeneration of nitrogen in a coastal upwelling system off northwest Africa
Deep Sea Research, 24(1):49–56.

Tomczak Jr., M (1977).
Continuous measurement of near-surface temperature and salinity in the NW African upwelling region between Canary Islands and Cap Vert during the winter of 1971-1972
Deep Sea Research, 24(12):1103-1119.

Weikert, H (1977).
Copepod carcasses in the upwelling region south of cap blanc, N.W. Africa
Marine Biology, 42(4):351-355.

Blackburn, M and Nellen, W (1976).
Distribution and ecology of pelagic fishes studied from eggs and larvae in an upwelling area off Spanish Sahara
Fishery Bulletin, 74(4).

Brebion, P and Ortlieb, L (1976).
Nouvelles recherches géologiques et malacologiques sur le Quaternaire de la province de Tarfaya (Maroc méridional)
Geobios, 9(5):529-549.

Chodyniecki, A, Kurpios, M, Protasowicki, M, and Babinska, J (1976).
A study on the Mercury content in muscles in the fish family Carangidae from the fishing grounds off the coast of North-West Africa
Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, VI(2):119–124.

Flos, J (1976).
Seston superficial de la zona de afloramiento del NW de Africa
Oecologia Aquatica, 1(2):27–39.

Mittelstaedt, E (1976).
On the currents along the Northwest African coast South of 22° North
Ocean Dynamics, 29(3):97–117.

Thiriot, A (1976).
Les remontées d'eau (upwelling) et leur influence sur la production pélagique des côtes atlantiques du Maroc
Bulletin de l'Institut des pêches maritimes(22):9-16.

Wooster, WS, Bakun, A, and McLain, DR (1976).
The seasonal upwelling cycle along the eastern boundary of the North Atlantic
Journal of Marine Research, 34(2):131–141.

Bengtsson, BE, Carlin, CH, Larsson, A, and Svanberg, O (1975).
Vertebral damage in [a Baltic population of] minnows, Phoxinus phoxinus L., exposed to cadmium [in test aquarias]
Ambio, 4(4):166–168.

Jacobi, RD, Rabinowitz, PD, and Embley, RW (1975).
Sediment waves on the Moroccan continental rise
Marine Geology, 19(5):61-67.

Johnson, DR, Barton, ED, Hughes, P, and Mooers, CN (1975).
Circulation in the Canary Current upwelling region off Cabo Bojador in August 1972
Deep Sea Research, 22:547–558.

Nabrzyski, M (1975).
Contents of mercury, copper and zinc in the tissue of tunny and other Atlantic fish and of shrimps.
Bromatologia i Chemia Toksykologiczna, 8(2):171–177.

Dillon, WP (1974).
Structure and development of the southern Moroccan continental shelf
Marine Geology, 16(3):121-143.

Goy, J and Thiriot, A (1974).
Distribution d'espèces planctoniques carnivores dans la région sud de l'Atlantique marocain. Résultats des campagnes CINECA-CHARCOT I, II ET III
Thetys, 6(1-2):291-302.

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