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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Le Croizier, G, Lacroix, C, Artigaud, S, Le Floch, S, Raffray, J, Penicaud, V, Coquillé, V, Autier, J, Rouget, M, Le Bayon, N, Laë, R, and Tito de Morais, L (2018).
Significance of metallothioneins in differential cadmium accumulation kinetics between two marine fish species
Environmental Pollution, 236:462-476.

Moskalski, S, Floc'h, F, Verney, R, Fromant, G, Le Dantec, N, and Deschamps, A (2018).
Sedimentary Dynamics and Decadal-Scale Changes in the Macrotidal Aulne River Estuary, Brittany, France
Journal of Coastal Research.

Fromant, G, Floc’h, F, Lebourges-Dhaussy, A, Jourdin, F, Perrot, Y, Le Dantec, N, and Delacourt, C (2017).
In Situ Quantification of the Suspended Load of Estuarine Aggregates from Multifrequency Acoustic Inversions
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 34(8):1625–1643.

Auger, P, Gorgues, T, Machu, E, Aumont, O, and Brehmer, P (2016).
What drives the spatial variability of primary productivity and matter fluxes in the North-West African upwelling system? A modelling approach and box analysis
Biogeosciences, 13:6419-6440.

Kaimuddin, AH, Laë, R, and Tito De Morais, L (2016).
Fish Species in a Changing World: The Route and Timing of Species Migration between Tropical and Temperate Ecosystems in Eastern Atlantic
Marine Fisheries, Aquaculture and Living Resources:162.

Le Croizier, G, Schaal, G, Gallon, R, Fall, M, Le Grand, F, Munaron, J, Rouget, M, Machu, E, Le Loc'h, F, Laë, R, and Tito de Morais, L (2016).
Trophic ecology influence on metal bioaccumulation in marine fish: Inference from stable isotope and fatty acid analyses
Science of The Total Environment, 573:83–95.

Waeles, M, Planquette, H, Afandi, I, Delebecque, N, Bouthir, F, Donval, A, Shelley, RU, Auger, P, Riso, RD, and Tito de Morais, L (2016).
Cadmium in the waters off South Morocco: Nature of particles hosting Cd and insights into the mechanisms fractionating Cd from phosphate
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121(5):3106-3120.

Afandi, I, Bouthir, FZ, Talba, S, Waeles, M, Planquette, H, Labonne, M, Benhra, A, Benbrahim, S, Laë, R, Tito de Morais, L, Masski, H, and Bekkali, M (2015).
Determination of trace metals levels in seawater and zooplankton in the Moroccan Atlantic coast
Miscellaneous publication.

Auger, PA, Machu, E, Gorgues, T, Grima, N, and Waeles, M (2015).
Comparative study of potential transfer of natural and anthropogenic cadmium to plankton communities in the North-West African upwelling
Science of The Total Environment, 505:870–888.

Benazzouz, A, Demarcq, H, and Gonzallez-Nuevo, G (2015).
Recent changes and trends of the upwelling intensity in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem
In: Oceanographic and biological features in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem, pp. 321–330, IOC-UNESCO, Paris, France. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Technical Series.

Bonnin, M, El Idrisy, L, and Labrot, V (2015).
Contamination des océans par le Cadmium, quelles interventions du droit ?
Miscellaneous publication.

Fromant, G (2015).
Mesure de Matières En Suspension (MES) dans la colonne d’eau par combinaison de méthodes acoustiques et optiques
PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France.

Fromant, G, Perrot, Y, Deschamps, A, Floc'h, F, Piété, H, Le Dantec, N, Lebourges-Dhaussy, A, and Delacourt, C (2015).
Original calibration method of MultiBeam EchoSounder for suspended sediment quantification
In: , Chania, Greece.

Juby, P (2015).
Hydrographic Conditions of a Continental Shelf Region in the NorthWest African Upwelling System from In-situ Data
Master thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.

Kaimuddin, A, Lae, R, and Tito de Morais, L (2015).
Millions of Species Occurrence Records & BIG Data from Space - Modeling Seasonal Species Distribution using GIS
Miscellaneous publication.

Kaimuddin, A, Laë, R, and Tito de Morais, L (2015).
Climate Change Affects Marine Fish Distribution: Temporal and Latitudinal Evolution. Approach using GIS Technique and Satellite Data for Data-poor Areas
Miscellaneous publication.

Kaimuddin, A, Laë, R, and Tito de Morais, L (2015).
Modelling Fish Species Distribution: Evolution in Time and Space
Miscellaneous publication.

Kaimuddin, A, Laë, R, and Tito de Morais, L (2015).
Determining the Realised Niche of Fish Species from Occurrence Records and Satellite Data using GIS
Miscellaneous publication.

Kaimuddin, A, Tito de Morais, L, and Laë, R (2015).
Species Richness and Fish Distribution under Climate Change in Three Marine Ecosystems: Canary Current, South European Atlantic Shelf and Celtic Sea
Miscellaneous publication.

Labonne, M, Masski, H, Laë, R, Talba, S, Bassoulet, C, Dabas, E, Munaron, J, Manchih, K, and Tito de Morais, L (2015).
Chemical profiles in otoliths from 3 fish species along the Moroccan coast: accumulation and migration patterns
Miscellaneous publication.

Labonne, M, Masski, H, Tai, I, Laë, R, Talba, S, Bassoulet, C, and Tito de Morais, L (2015).
Identification de 3 signatures chimiques des otolithes de sardines (Sardina pilchardus) le long de la côte marocaine atlantique
Miscellaneous publication.

Labonne, M, Masski, H, Tai, I, Laë, R, Talba, S, Bassoulet, C, Dabas, E, Munaron, J, and Tito de Morais, L (2015).
Signatures et profils chimiques individuels de sardines, à partir des otolithes, le long de la côte atlantique marocaine.
Miscellaneous publication.

Labonne, M, Masski, H, Talba, S, Tai, I, Laë, R, Talba, S, Bassoulet, C, and Tito de Morais, L (2015).
What do otolith microchemical signatures tell us about sardines' movements along the Atlantic coast of Morocco (NW Africa)
Miscellaneous publication.

Laë, R, Masski, H, Labonne, M, Bouthir, F, Talba, S, Afandi, I, and Tai, I (2015).
Concentration des Eléments Traces Métalliques à différents niveaux de la chaîne trophique. Application à trois espèces de poisson de la zone atlantique marocaine
Miscellaneous publication.

Laë, R, Masski, H, Labonne, M, Bouthir, F, Talba, S, Habasque, J, Afandi, I, Tai, I, Benhra, A, and Tito de Morais, L (2015).
Eléments Traces Métalliques dans la chaîne trophique: Les niveaux et les voies de contamination sur la côte atlantique marocaine
Miscellaneous publication.

« Septembre 2024 »
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