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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Baars, JWM (1979).
Autecological investigations on marine diatoms. I. Experimental results in biogeographical studies
Hydrobiological Bulletin, 13(2-3):123-137.

Blackburn, M (1979).
Zooplankton in an upwelling area off northwest Africa: composition, distribution and ecology
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 26(1):41-56.

FAO (1979).
Rapport du Groupe de Travail Ad Hoc sur les Merlus (Merluccius merluccius (Linné), Merluccius senegalensis (Cadenati) et Merluccius cadenati (Doutre)), dans la Zone Nord du COPACE
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department Publications, Rome, Italy. COPACE/PACE SERIES.

Hignette, M (1979).
Composition des concrétions minérales contenues dans les reins de 2 mollusques Lamellibranches: Pinna nobilis L. et Tridacna maxima (Röding)
CR Seances Acad. Sci. Paris, 289:1069–1092.

Stoeppler, M and Nürnberg, HW (1979).
Comparative studies on trace metal levels in marine biota , : III. Typical levels and accumulation of toxic trace metals in muscle tissue and organs of marine organisms from different European seas
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 3(4):335–351.

Treguer, P and Le Corre, P (1979).
The ratios of nitrate, phosphate, and silicate during uptake and regeneration phases of the Moroccan upwelling regime
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 26(2):163-184.

Champagnat, C and Domain, F (1978).
Migrations des poissons démersaux le long des côtes ouest-africaines de 10 à 24 de latitude nord
Cah. ORSTOM Ser. Océanogr, 16:239–261.

Codispoti, L and Friederich, G (1978).
Local and mesoscale influences on nutrient variability in the northwest African upwelling region near Cabo Corbeiro
Deep Sea Research, 25(9):751-770.

Eaton, JG, McKim, JM, and Holcombe, GW (1978).
Metal toxicity to embryos and larvae of seven freshwater fish species - i. cadmium
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 19(1):95–103.

Bull, KR, Murton, RK, Osborn, D, Ward, P, and Cheng, L (1977).
High levels of cadmium in Atlantic seabirds and sea-skaters
Nature, 269(5628):507–509.

Christensen, J and Packard, T (1977).
Sediment metabolism from the northwest African upwelling system
Deep Sea Research, 24(4):331-343.

Gillbricht, M (1977).
Phytoplankton distribution in the upwelling area off NW Africa
Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, 29(4):417-438.

Huntsman, SA and Barber, RT (1977).
Primary production off northwest Africa: the relationship to wind and nutrient conditions
Deep Sea Research, 24(1):25-33.

Maurin, C, Bonnet, M, and Ouero, J (1977).
Poissons des côtes nord-ouest africaines (Campagnes de la Thalassa 1962, 1968, 1971 et 1973.
Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes, 41(1):5–92.

Rowe, G, Clifford, C, and Smith Jr., K (1977).
Nutrient regeneration in sediments off Cap Blanc, Spanish Sahara
Deep Sea Research, 24(1):57-63.

Smith, SL and Whitledge, TE (1977).
The role of zooplankton in the regeneration of nitrogen in a coastal upwelling system off northwest Africa
Deep Sea Research, 24(1):49–56.

Tomczak Jr., M (1977).
Continuous measurement of near-surface temperature and salinity in the NW African upwelling region between Canary Islands and Cap Vert during the winter of 1971-1972
Deep Sea Research, 24(12):1103-1119.

Weikert, H (1977).
Copepod carcasses in the upwelling region south of cap blanc, N.W. Africa
Marine Biology, 42(4):351-355.

Blackburn, M and Nellen, W (1976).
Distribution and ecology of pelagic fishes studied from eggs and larvae in an upwelling area off Spanish Sahara
Fishery Bulletin, 74(4).

Brebion, P and Ortlieb, L (1976).
Nouvelles recherches géologiques et malacologiques sur le Quaternaire de la province de Tarfaya (Maroc méridional)
Geobios, 9(5):529-549.

Chodyniecki, A, Kurpios, M, Protasowicki, M, and Babinska, J (1976).
A study on the Mercury content in muscles in the fish family Carangidae from the fishing grounds off the coast of North-West Africa
Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, VI(2):119–124.

Flos, J (1976).
Seston superficial de la zona de afloramiento del NW de Africa
Oecologia Aquatica, 1(2):27–39.

Mittelstaedt, E (1976).
On the currents along the Northwest African coast South of 22° North
Ocean Dynamics, 29(3):97–117.

Thiriot, A (1976).
Les remontées d'eau (upwelling) et leur influence sur la production pélagique des côtes atlantiques du Maroc
Bulletin de l'Institut des pêches maritimes(22):9-16.

Wooster, WS, Bakun, A, and McLain, DR (1976).
The seasonal upwelling cycle along the eastern boundary of the North Atlantic
Journal of Marine Research, 34(2):131–141.

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