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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Abouhala, A and Boukabous, R (1995).
Structure de la commercialisation des produits de la mer au Maroc

Belghiti, D, El Kharrim, K, Ibelhaj, A, Menioui, M, Bouchereau, JL, Sorbe, JC, and Ahami, A (1995).
Inventaire zoologique par analyse des contenus stomacaux de deux espèces de poissons pleuronectiformes du littoral à Casablanca et Mehdia (Maroc)
Bulletin de l’Institut des Sciences de Rabat, 19:103–110.

Fadlaoui, S and Retière, C (1995).
Etude bionomique des communautés macrozoobenthiques des fonds subtidaux de la région de Sidi Boulbra (côte atlantique marocaine) et biogéographie des espèces
Bulletin de l'Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 19:119–135.

FAO (1995).
Effects of riverine inputs on coastal ecosystems and fisheries resources
Food & Agriculture Org., vol. 349. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper.

Fisher, NS and Reinfelder, JR (1995).
The trophic transfer of metals in marine systems
In: Turner D.R., Tessier A. (eds), Metal speciation and bioavailability in aquatic systems. Wiley, pp. 363–406, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.

González-Dávila, M (1995).
The role of phytoplankton cells on the control of heavy metal concentration in seawater
Marine Chemistry, 48(3–4):215–236.

Kime, DE (1995).
The effects of pollution on reproduction in fish
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 5(1):52-95.

Lee, J and Morel, F (1995).
Replacement of zinc by cadmium in marine phytoplankton
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 127:305-309.

Noppe, K (1995).
Contamination métallique des sédiments des cours d’eau du Bassin Artois–Picardie et son impact sur la contamination des chairs et des foies de poissons
Mémoire de DEA, Université Pierre et Marie Curie–Paris VI, Paris, France.

Postel, L, Arndt, EA, and Brenning, U (1995).
Rostock zooplankton studies off West Africa
Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen, 49(1-4):829-847.

Rainbow, PS (1995).
Biomonitoring of heavy metal availability in the marine environment
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 31(4-12):183-192.

Soto, M, Kortabitarte, M, and Marigmez, I (1995).
Bioavailable heavy metals in estuarine waters as assessed by metal/shell-weight indices in sentinel mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 125:127-136.

Strømme, T and Idrissi, M (1995).
Report Cruise No. I - Survey of the Pelagic Fish Resources off North West Africa - Part 4 Morocco, 24 November - 21 December 1995
Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Report(NORAD/FAO/UNDP GLO92/013), Bergen, Norway.

Sætersdal, G (1995).
Report Cruise No. I - Survey of the pelagic fish resources off North West Africa. Part 3. Mauritania. 17-23 November 1995.
Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Report(NORAD/FAO/UNDP GLO92/013), Bergen, Norway.

Witeska, M, Jezierska, B, and Chaber, J (1995).
The influence of cadmium on common carp embryos and larvae
Aquaculture, 129(1-4):129–132.

Arístegui, J, Sangrá, P, Hernández-León, S, Cantón, M, Hernández-Guerra, A, and Kerling, J (1994).
Island-induced eddies in the Canary islands
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 41(10):1509-1525.

Barton, ED (1994).
European Coastal Transition Zone: Islas Canarias. Final Report, MAST Project
School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, Final Report to the EU, Bangor, U.K..

Honoré, MA (1994).
Mise au point d'une méthodologie d'étude des sédiments contaminés par les métaux lourds en préalable à des opérations de curage
Master thesis, ISA, Université Catholique de Lille, Lille, France.

Li, WKW (1994).
Primary production of prochlorophytes, cyanobacteria, and eucaryotic ultraphytoplankton: measurements from flow cytometric sorting
Limnology and Oceanography:169-175.

Li, WKW (1994).
Phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll concentration across the North Atlantic
Scientia marina, 58(1-2):67–79.

López-Artíguez, M, Grilo, A, Martínez, D, Soria, ML, Nuñez, L, Ruano, A, Moreno, E, Fuente, FG, and Repetto, M (1994).
Mercury and methylmercury in population risk groups on the Atlantic coast of Southern Spain
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 27(3):415–419.

Müller, R and Lloyd, R (1994).
Sublethal and Chronic Effects of Pollutants on Freshwater Fish
Fishing News Books.

Reinfelder, JR and Fisher, NS (1994).
The assimilation of elements ingested by marine planktonic bivalve larvae
Limnology and oceanography, 39(1):12–20.

Bak, RPM and Nieuwland, G (1993).
Patterns in pelagic and benthic nanoflagellate densities in the coastal upwelling system along the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania
Hydrobiologia, 258(1-3):119-131.

Everaarts, JM, Heesters, R, and Fischer, CV (1993).
Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd) in sediment, zooplankton and epibenthic invertebrates from the area of the continental slope of the Banc d'Arguin (Mauritania)
Hydrobiologia, 258(1):41–58.

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