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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

UNEP (1999).
Overview of Land-based Sources and Activities Affecting the Marine, Coastal and Associated Freshwater Environment in the West and Central African Region

Weigel, JY (1999).
Dynamiques d'exploitation et de valorisation des petits pélagiques marins en Afrique de l'Ouest
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Marine reserves are necessary but not sufficient for marine conservation
Ecological Applications, 8(sp1):79-92.

Almeida, MJ, Machado, J, Moura, G, Azevedo, M, and Coimbra, J (1998).
Temporal and local variations in biochemical composition of Crassostrea gigas shells
Journal of Sea Research, 40(3-4):233-249.

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A mathematical model of growth of population of fish in the larval stage: Density-dependence effects
Mathematical Biosciences, 150(1):1-20.

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Barton, ED, Arístegui, J, Tett, P, Cantón, M, García-Braun, J, Hernández-León, S, Nykjaer, L, Almeida, C, Almunia, J, Ballesteros, S, Basterretxea, G, Escánez, J, García-Weill, L, Hernández-Guerra, A, López-Laatzen, F, Molina, R, Montero, MF, Navarro-Pérez, E, Rodríguez, JM, van Lenning, K, Vélez, H, and Wild, K (1998).
The transition zone of the Canary Current upwelling region
Progress In Oceanography, 41(4):455-504.

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Bustamante, P, Caurant, F, Fowler, SW, and Miramand, P (1998).
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Structure biogéographique des copépodes des côtes marocaines
Rapports Commission internationale de la Mer Méditerranée, 35:406–407.

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Clupeoid Population Variability, the Environment and Satellite Imagery in Coastal Upwelling Systems
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 8(4):445-471.

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In: Global versus local changes in upwelling systems, Orstom ed. Paris, pp. 149–166, ORSTOM.

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Ecological Applications, 8(sp1):93-103.

Jorissen, F, Wittling, I, Peypouquet, J, Rabouille, C, and Relexans, J (1998).
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In: Global versus local changes in upwelling systems, pp. 235-248, Monterey (USA), 1994/09/06-08, ORSTOM.

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Peterson, W (1998).
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Reinfelder, JR, Fisher, NS, Luoma, SN, Nichols, JW, and Wang, WX (1998).
Trace element trophic transfer in aquatic organisms: A critique of the kinetic model approach
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Wang, WX and Fisher, NS (1998).
Accumulation of trace elements in a marine copepod
Limnology and oceanography, 43(2):273-283.

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