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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Moukrim, A, Kaaya, A, Najimi, S, Roméo, M, Gnassia-Barelli, M, and Narbonne, JF (2000).
Assessment of the trace metal levels in two species of mussels from the Agadir Marine Bay, South of Morocco
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 65(4):478-485.

Parker, DJ (2000).

Pfannkuche, O, Müller, T, Nellen, W, and Wefer, G (2000).
Ostatlantik 1998. Cruise No. 42 16 June - 26 October 1998
Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.

Rezqi, H (2000).
Les foraminifères Benthiques Actuels de la côte Atlantique Marocaine entre Agadir et Tarfaya: Ecologie, dynamique des populations et Implications sur l’environnement
PhD Thesis, Université Mohamed Premier, Faculté des Sciences, Oujda, Morocco.

Rezqi, H, Oujidi, M, Boutakiout, M, and Labraimi, M (2000).
Analyse quantitative des foraminifères benthiques actuels de la marge atiantique marocaine entre Cap Drâa et Cap Juby: reponses fauniques aux changements de l'environnement
Journal of African Earth Sciences, 30(2):375-400.

Sabhi, Y, Chaoui, M, El Quessar, S, Bakkas, S, and Ramdani, M (2000).
Identification of the northern Moroccan hot spots and contamination baseline of coastal sediments by heavy metals
Bulletin de l'Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 1999(22):59-69.

Sen, AK (2000).
Repenser l'inégalité
Éditions du Seuil. L'histoire immédiate. (ISBN: 2020201631).

Weaver, PPE, Wynn, RB, Kenyon, NH, and Evans, J (2000).
Continental margin sedimentation, with special reference to the north‐east Atlantic margin
Sedimentology, 47(s1):239-256.

Wynn, RB, Masson, DG, Stow, DA, and Weaver, PP (2000).
Turbidity current sediment waves on the submarine slopes of the western Canary Islands
Marine Geology, 163(1-4):185-198.

Zhou, M, Paduan, JD, and Niiler, PP (2000).
Surface currents in the Canary Basin from drifter observations
Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(C9):21893-21911.

Cheggour, M, Langston, WJ, Chafik, A, Texier, H, Idrissi, H, and Boumezzough, A (1999).
Phosphate industry discharges and their impact on metal contamination and intertidal macrobenthos: Jorf Lasfar and Safi coastlines (Morocco)
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 70(1-2):159-179.

Chiffoleau, JF, Gonzalez, JL, Miramand, P, and Thouvenin, B (1999).
Le cadmium: comportement d'un contaminant métallique en estuaire
IFREMER. Programme scientifique Seine-Aval. (ISBN: 2844330274).

Cullen, J, Lane, T, Morel, F, and Sherrell, R (1999).
Modulation of cadmium uptake in phytoplankton by seawater CO2 concentration
Nature, 402(6758):165-167.

Dartige, AY (1999).
Etude des polluants chimiques (Cu, Fe, Zn, Cd et Hg) dans les moules ( Perna perna) prélevées au niveau de la baie du Lévrier.
Thèse de 3ème cycle, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France.

Das, S and Jana, BB (1999).
Dose-dependent uptake and Eichhornia-induced elimination of cadmium in various organs of the freshwater mussel, Lamellidens marginalis (Linn.)
Ecological Engineering, 12(3-4):207-229.

Davenport, R, Neuer, S, Hernandez-Guerra, A, Rueda, MJ, Llinas, O, Fischer, G, and Wefer, G (1999).
Seasonal and interannual pigment concentration in the Canary Islands region from CZCS data and comparison with observations from the ESTOC
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20(7):1419–1433.

Henshel, DS, Black, MC, and Harrass, MC (1999).
Environmental toxicology and risk assessment: standardization of biomarkers for endocrine dissruption and environmental assessment
ASTM International. (ISBN: 9780803126183).

Kracker, LM (1999).
The geography of fish: the use of remote sensing and spatial analysis tools in fisheries research
The Professional Geographer, 51(3):440–450.

Mohamedou, AO, Aventurier, A, Barbiero, L, Caruba, R, and Valles, V (1999).
Geochemistry of clay dunes and associated pan in the Senegal Delta, Mauritania
Arid Land Research and Management, 13(3):265-280.

Ould-Dedah, S, Wiseman, WJ, and Shaw, RF (1999).
Spatial and temporal trends of sea surface temperature in the northwest African region
Oceanologica Acta, 22(3):265-279.

Pacheco, M and Hernandez-Guerra A., A (1999).
Seasonal variability of recurrent phytoplankton pigment patterns in the Canary Islands area
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20(7):1405-1418.

Roméo, M, Siau, Y, Sidoumou, Z, and Gnassia-Barelli, M (1999).
Heavy metal distribution in different fish species from the Mauritania coast
The Science of The Total Environment, 232(3):169-175.

Shafe, M (1999).
Pêche des bivalves sur la côte méditéranéenne marocaine: Catalogue d'espèces exploitées et d'engins utilisés

Sidoumou, Z, Gnassia-Barelli, M, Siau, Y, and Romeo, M (1999).
Study of heavy metals in two species of molluscs from the Mauritania coast, Crassostrea gigas and Perna perna
Journal de recherche oceanographique. Paris, 24(1):13–18.

Targarona, J, Warnaar, J, Boessenkool, KP, Brinkhuis, H, and Canals, M (1999).
Recent Dinoflagellate cyst distribution in the North Canary Basin, NW Africa
Grana, 38(2-3):170–178.

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