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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Teira, E, Pazo, MJ, Serret, P, and Fernandez, E (2001).
Dissolved Organic Carbon Production by Microbial Populations in the Atlantic Ocean
Limnology and Oceanography, 46(6):1370-1377.

Vauclair, F and du Penhoat, Y (2001).
Interannual variability of the upper layer of the tropical Atlantic Ocean from in situ data between 1979 and 1999
Climate dynamics, 17(7):527–546.

Wells, PG, Depledge, MH, Butler, JN, Manock, JJ, and Knap, AH (2001).
Rapid Toxicity Assessment and Biomonitoring of Marine Contaminants – Exploiting the Potential of Rapid Biomarker Assays and Microscale Toxicity Tests
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42(10):799-804.

Whitfield, M (2001).
Interactions between phytoplankton and trace metals in the ocean
In: Advances in Marine Biology, vol. 41, pp. 1–128, Academic Press. (ISBN: 0065-2881).

Xu, Y and Wang, WX (2001).
Individual responses of trace-element assimilation and physiological turnover by the marine copepod Calanus sinicus to changes in food quantity
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 218:227-238.

Xu, Y, Wang, W, and Hsieh, DPH (2001).
Influences of metal concentration in phytoplankton and seawater on metal assimilation and elimination in marine copepods
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 20(5):1067-1077.

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Impact des conditions du milieu marin sur les variations de l'abondance de la sardine dans la zone centrale (Safi-Cap Boujdor) du Maroc
Bulletin de l'Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 23:37-45.

Álvarez-Salgado, XA, Doval, MD, Borges, AV, Joint, I, Frankignoulle, M, Woodward, EMS, and Figueiras, FG (2001).
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Progress In Oceanography, 51(2-4):321-;337.

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International Journal of Food Microbiology, 62(3):211-215.

Adams, SM, Greeley, MSJ, and Ryon, MG (2000).
Evaluating effects of contaminants on fish health at multiple levels of biological organization: extrapolating from lower to higher levels
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 6(1):15-27.

Barton, ED, Basterretxea, G, Flament, P, Mitchelson-Jacob, EG, Jones, B, Arístegui, J, and Herrera, F (2000).
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Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(C7):17173-17193.

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Mesoscale variability in phytoplankton biomass distribution and photosynthetic parameters in the Canary-NW African coastal transition zone
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 197:27–40.

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A modeling study of the coastal eastern boundary current system off Iberia and Morocco
Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(C6):14,173–14,195.

Bickham, JW, Sandhu, S, Hebert, PD, Chikhi, L, and Athwal, R (2000).
Effects of chemical contaminants on genetic diversity in natural populations: implications for biomonitoring and ecotoxicology
Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research, 463(1):33-51.

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Vulnerability Analysis and Disasters
In: Parker, D.J. (Ed.): Floods, Routledge.

Cheggour, M, Langston, WJ, Chafik, A, Texier, H, Kaimoussi, A, Bakkas, S, and Boumezzough, A (2000).
Metals in the bivalve molluscs Scrobicularia plana (Da Costa) and Cerastoderma edule (L.) and associated surface sediment from Oum er Rbia estuary (Moroccan Atlantic coast)
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 77(1):49-73.

Chester, R (2000).
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Chiadmi, N, Giernaud, T, Bennasser, L, Fadli, M, Guessous, A, and Mouradi, A (2000).
Contamination par le plomb du thalle et du polysaccharide extrait de Grateloupia doryphora du littoral de Rabat
Biologie & Santé, 1(3):79-90.

De Wolf, H, Backeljau, T, and Blust, R (2000).
Heavy metal accumulation in the periwinkle Littorina littorea, along a pollution gradient in the Scheldt estuary
The Science of The Total Environment, 262(1-2):111-121.

Demarcq, H and Faure, V (2000).
Coastal upwelling and associated retention indices derived from satellite SST. Application to Octopus vulgaris recruitment
Oceanologica acta, 23(4):391-408.

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Atmospheric turbidity over the Angad area of Morocco
Journal of Aerosol Science, 31(1001):279-280.

Fisher, NS, Stupakoff, I, SaudoWilhelmy, S, Wang, W, Teyssi, J, Fowler, SW, and Crusius, J (2000).
Trace metals in marine copepods: a field test of a bioaccumulation model coupled to laboratory uptake kinetics data
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 194:211-218.

Huang, Y, Dupont, L, Sarnthein, M, Hayes, JM, and Eglinton, G (2000).
Mapping of C4 plant input from North West Africa into North East Atlantic sediments
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 64(20):3505–3513.

Mason, RP, Laporte, J, and Andres, S (2000).
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Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 38(3):283-297.

Miramand, P, Guyot, T, Pigeot, J, Bustamante, P, Caurant, F, and Ferchaud, R (2000).
Le cadmium dans les réseaux trophiques marins : de la source aux consommateurs
Journal européen d’hydrologie, 31(2):17.

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