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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Calbet, A, Garrido, S, Saiz, E, Alcaraz, M, and Duarte, CM (2001).
Annual Zooplankton Succession in Coastal NW Mediterranean Waters: The Importance of the Smaller Size Fractions
Journal of Plankton Research, 23(3):319-331.

Chafik, A, Cheggour, M, Cossa, D, and Sifeddine, SBM (2001).
Quality of Moroccan Atlantic coastal waters: water monitoring and mussel watching
Aquatic Living Resources, 14(4):239-249.

Cheggour, M, Chafik, A, Langston, WJ, Burt, GR, Benbrahim, S, and Texier, H (2001).
Metals in sediments and the edible cockle Cerastoderma edule from two Moroccan Atlantic lagoons: Moulay Bou Selham and Sidi Moussa
Environmental Pollution, 115(2):149-160.

Chiffoleau, J, Auger, D, Chartier, E, Michel, P, Truquet, I, Ficht, A, Gonzalez, J, and Romana, L (2001).
Spatiotemporal Changes in Cadmium Contamination in the Seine Estuary (France)
Estuaries, 24(6):1029-1040.

Commission, E (2001).
Ambient air pollution by AS, CD and NI compounds. Position Paper
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. Environment themes: Air. (ISBN: 92-894-2054-5).

Devereux, S and Maxwell, S (2001).
Food security in sub-Saharan Africa
ITDG. Studies, University of Sussex. Institute of Development. (ISBN: 1853395234).

Franquesa, R, Malouli, I, and Alarcón, JA (2001).
Feasibility assessment for a database on socio-economic indicators for Mediterranean fisheries
Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. Studies and Reviews. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean.

Freudenthal, T, Neuer, S, Meggers, H, Davenport, R, and Wefer, G (2001).
Influence of lateral particle advection and organic matter degradation on sediment accumulation and stable nitrogen isotope ratios along a productivity gradient in the Canary Islands region
Marine Geology, 177(1–2):93-109.

Guénette, S, Balguerías, E, and Santamaría, MTG (2001).
Spanish fishing activities along the Saharan and Moroccan coast
In: Fisheries Impacts on North Atlantic Ecosystems: Catch, Effort and National/Regional Data Sets, vol. 3(9), pp. 206-213, Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Fisheries Centre Research Reports.

Hagen, E (2001).
Northwest African upwelling scenario
Oceanologica Acta, 24:113-128.

Harrison, W, Arı́stegui, J, Head, E, Li, W, Longhurst, A, and Sameoto, D (2001).
Basin-scale variability in plankton biomass and community metabolism in the sub-tropical North Atlantic Ocean
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 48(10):2241-2269.

Hernández-León, S, Almeida, C, Gómez, M, Torres, S, Montero, I, and Portillo-Hahnefeld, A (2001).
Zooplankton biomass and indices of feeding and metabolism in island-generated eddies around Gran Canaria
Journal of Marine Systems, 30(1-2):51-66.

Hook, S and Fisher, N (2001).
Reproductive toxicity of metals in calanoid copepods
Marine Biology, 138(6):1131-1140.

Hulme, M, Doherty, R, Ngara, T, New, M, and Lister, D (2001).
African climate change: 1900-2100
Climate Research, 17(2):145-168.

Joiris, C (2001).
Ecotoxicology of Stable Pollutants in African Marine Ecosystems
In: AREA STUDIES – AFRICA (Regional Sustainable Development Review), vol. 1, pp. 12, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, U.K. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS).

Kabbachi, B, Elyoussi, M, Ezaidi, A, and Rognon, P (2001).
Physiographie et dynamique sédimentaire actuelle dans la marge atlantique sud-ouest marocaine (Le bassin Tan Tan -Cap Juby)
Quaternaire, 12(3):139-148.

Kaimoussi, A, Chafik, A, Mouzdahir, A, and Bakkas, S (2001).
The impact of industrial pollution on the Jorf Lasfar coastal zone (Morocco, Atlantic Ocean): the mussel as an indicator of metal contamination
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science, 333(6):337-341.

Nave, S, Freitas, P, and Abrantes, F (2001).
Coastal upwelling in the Canary Island region: spatial variability reflected by the surface sediment diatom record
Marine Micropaleontology, 42(1-2):1-23.

Ong, ES and Din, ZB (2001).
Cadmium, copper, and zinc toxicity to the clam, Donax faba C., and the blood cockle, Anadara granosa L.
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 66(1):86-93.

Pacheco, M, Garcia-Weil, L, Rodriguez, GR, Tejera, A, and Luque, A (2001).
Upwelling filaments in the Northwest African Coastal Transition Zone (NACTZ); satellite images and laboratory simulations
In: Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2001. IGARSS '01. IEEE 2001 International, vol. 7, pp. 3015–3017, IEEE (ISBN: 0-7803-7031-7).

Perez, FF, Mintrop, L, Llinas, O, Glez-Davila, M, Castro, CG, Alvarez, M, Körtzinger, A, Santana-Casiano, M, Rueda, MJ, and Ríos, AF (2001).
Mixing analysis of nutrients, oxygen and inorganic carbon in the Canary Islands region
Journal of Marine Systems, 28(3-4):183–201.

Pätsch, J, Kühn, W, Radach, G, Santana Casiano, J, Gonzalez Davila, M, Neuer, S, Freudenthal, T, and Llinas, O (2001).
Interannual variability of carbon fluxes at the North Atlantic Station ESTOC
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49(1–3):253-288.

Rashed, MN (2001).
Cadmium and lead levels in fish (Tilapia nilotica) tissues as biological indicator for lake water pollution
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 68(1):75-89.

Riley, J (2001).
Indicator quality for assessment of impact of multidisciplinary systems
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 87(2):121-128.

Stanford, R, Lunn, K, and Guénette, S (2001).
A preliminary ecosystem model for the Atlantic coast of Morocco in the mid-1980s
In: Fisheries impacts on North Atlantic ecosystems: models and analyses. Fisheries Centre Research Report, vol. 9, pp. 314-344, *.

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