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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Kuhlmann, H, Freudenthal, T, Helmke, P, and Meggers, H (2004).
Reconstruction of paleoceanography off NW Africa during the last 40,000 years: influence of local and regional factors on sediment accumulation
Marine Geology, 207(1-4):209-224.

Lebourges-Dhaussy, A and Ballé-Béganton, J (2004).
Multifrequency multimodel zooplankton classification
ICES CM, 22(R:22).

Maanan, M, Zourarah, B, Carruesco, C, Aajjane, A, and Naud, J (2004).
The distribution of heavy metals in the Sidi Moussa lagoon sediments (Atlantic Moroccan Coast)
Journal of African Earth Sciences, 39(3-5):473-483.

Mahadevan, A, Lévy, M, and Mémery, L (2004).
Mesoscale variability of sea surface pCO2: What does it respond to?
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18(GB1017):1-35.

Marchant, R and Hooghiemstra, H (2004).
Rapid environmental change in African and South American tropics around 4000 years before present: a review
Earth-Science Reviews, 66(3-4):217-260.

Marchesiello, P, Herbette, S, Nykjaer, L, and Roy, C (2004).
Eddy-driven dispersion processes in the Canary Current upwelling system: comparison with the California system
International GLOBEC Newsletter, 10(1):5–8.

Moukrim, A, El Hamidi, F, Lagbouri, A, Kaaya, A, Zekhnini, A, Bouhaimi, A, and Narbonne, JF (2004).
Study of Donax trunculus as a Sentinel Species for Environmental Monitoring of Sandy Beaches on Moroccan Coasts
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 73(4).

Neuer, S, Torres-Padrón, ME, Gelado-Caballero, MD, Rueda, MJ, Hernández-Brito, J, Davenport, R, and Wefer, G (2004).
Dust deposition pulses to the eastern subtropical North Atlantic gyre: Does ocean's biogeochemistry respond?
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18:10 PP..

Ostrowski, M and Strømme, T (2004).
Evolution of coastal SST in the northeast subtropical Atlantic and distribution patterns of small pelagic fish from Mauritania to Morocco
Miscellaneous publication.

Pena, M, Le Ry, J, and El Garbhi, R (2004).
Étude d'analyse du potentiel de l'industrie de transformation et valorisation des produits de la mer dans la région de Souss Massa Draa, au. Maroc
European Union.

Riso, RD, Le Corre, P, L'Helguen, S, and Morin, P (2004).
On the presence of a cadmium-rich subsurface water mass in the western Mediterranean and its influence on the distribution of cadmium in the surface waters
Marine Chemistry, 87(1-2):15-22.

Shahidul Islam, M and Tanaka, M (2004).
Impacts of pollution on coastal and marine ecosystems including coastal and marine fisheries and approach for management: a review and synthesis
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 48(7-8):624-649.

Sirota, A, Cernyshkov, P, and Zhigalova, N (2004).
Water masses distribution, currents intensity and zooplankton assemblage off Northwest African coast
ICES CM 2004:18.

Somoue, L (2004).
Structure des communautés planctoniques de l’écosystème pélagique de l’atlantique sud marocain entre Cap Boujdor et Cap Blanc (26◦ 30–21◦ N)
Doctorat, Fac Sc Ain chock. Univ Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco.

Vanney, J and Ménanteau, L (2004).
Géographie du golfe ibéro-marocain
Instituto Hidrografico de Lisboa, Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, Lisbonne, Portugal and Madrid, Spain. (ISBN: 9788495555519).

Waeles, M, Riso, RD, Maguer, JF, and Le Corre, P (2004).
Distribution and chemical speciation of dissolved cadmium and copper in the Loire estuary and North Biscay continental shelf, France
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 59(1):49-57.

Wisner, B, Blaikie, P, Cannon, T, and Davis, I (2004).
At risk: natural hazards, people's vulnerability and disasters

Yebra, L, Hernández-León, S, Almeida, C, Bécognée, P, and Rodríguez, J (2004).
The effect of upwelling filaments and island-induced eddies on indices of feeding, respiration and growth in copepods
Progress In Oceanography, 62(2-4):151-169.

Youssara, F, Gaudy, R, Moukrim, A, and Moncef, M (2004).
Variations spatio-temporelles du mésozooplancton de la région d’Agadir (Maroc) entre mai 1999 et décembre 2000
Marine life, 14(1-2):3-18.

Adams, SM (2003).
Establishing causality between environmental stressors and effects on aquatic ecosystems
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 9(1):17-35.

Akallal, R, Givernaud, T, and Mouradi, A (2003).
Phytoplancton nuisible du littoral atlantique entre Moulay Bousselham et Témara
Biologie et Santé, 3(2):288–297.

Alcaraz, M, Saiz, E, Calbet, A, Trepat, I, and Broglio, E (2003).
Estimating zooplankton biomass through image analysis
Marine Biology, 143(2):307-315.

Arístegui, J, Barton, E, Montero, M, García-Muñoz, M, and Escánez, J (2003).
Organic carbon distribution and water column respiration in the NW Africa-Canaries Coastal Transition Zone
Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 33:289–301.

Bazaïri, H, Bayed, A, Glémarec, M, and Hily, C (2003).
Spatial organisation of macrozoobenthic communities in response to environmental factors in a coastal lagoon of the NW African coast (Merja Zerga, Morocco)
Oceanologica Acta, 26(5–6):457-471.

Belviso, S, Sciandra, A, and Copin-Montégut, C (2003).
Mesoscale features of surface water DMSP and DMS concentrations in the Atlantic Ocean off Morocco and in the Mediterranean Sea
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 50(4):543–555.

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