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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Tahiri, L, Bennasser, L, Idrissi, L, Fekhaoui, M, El Abidi, A, and Mouradi, A (2005).
Contamination métallique de Mytilus galloprovincialis et des sédiments au niveau de l’estuaire de Bouregreg (Maroc) Metal Contamination of Mytilus galloprovincialis and Sediments in the Bouregreg Estuary (Morocco)
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, 40(1):111-119.

University, Y (2005).
Morocco Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)
Miscellaneous publication.

Waeles, M, Riso, RD, and Le Corre, P (2005).
Seasonal variations of cadmium speciation in the Penzé estuary, NW France
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 65(1-2):143-152.

Wynn, RB, Akhmetzhanov, A, Cronin, B, Talling, P, Masson, D, and Frenz, M (2005).
Turbidity current processes and deposits in the Agadir channel and basin offshore NW Morocco: Initial results of CD166
In: IOC Workshop Report, vol. 197, pp. 51-52, Marrakech, Morocco 2 - 5 February 2005, UNESCO-IOC.

Abbad, M, Abdallaoui, GM, and Benomar, G (2004).
Utilisation de la programmation dynamique dans la modélisation de la pecherie de la sardine au Maroc. Dynamic Programming and the Moroccan Sardine Fishery System
RAIRO Operations Research, 38(3):215-225.

Achy, L and Sekkat, K (2004).
Globalization, Employment and Poverty reduction: The Case of Morocco
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Institut National de Statistique et d’Economie Appliquée (INSEA), Rabat, Morocco.

Allain, G (2004).
Biophysical modelling for recruitment prediction
Thèse de Doctorat Halieutique, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Rennes, Rennes, France.

Bakun, A and Weeks, SJ (2004).
Greenhouse gas buildup, sardines, submarine eruptions and the possibility of abrupt degradation of intense marine upwelling ecosystems
Ecology Letters, 7(11):1015-1023.

Ballet, GT, Gzara, L, Hafiane, A, and Dhahbi, M (2004).
Transport coefficients and cadmium salt rejection in nanofiltration membrane
Desalination, 167:369-376.

Banaoui, A, Chiffoleau, J, Moukrim, A, Burgeot, T, Kaaya, A, Auger, D, and Rozuel, E (2004).
Trace metal distribution in the mussel Perna perna along the Moroccan coast
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 48(3-4):385-390.

Bustamante, P and Miramand, P (2004).
Interspecific and geographical variations of trace element concentrations in Pectinidae from European waters
Chemosphere, 57(10):1355-1362.

Celik, U, Cakli, S, and Oehlenschläger, J (2004).
Determination of the lead and cadmium burden in some northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean fish species by DPSAV
European Food Research and Technology, 218(3):298-305.

Claustre, H, Hooker, SB, Van Heukelem, L, Berthon, J, Barlow, R, Ras, J, Sessions, H, Targa, C, Thomas, CS, van der Linde, D, and Marty, J (2004).
An intercomparison of HPLC phytoplankton pigment methods using in situ samples: application to remote sensing and database activities
Marine Chemistry, 85(1–2):41–61.

Dagga, NA, Courel, MF, Badran, F, and Anselme, B (2004).
The evolution study of the natural hazard zones by the Kohonen self-organising map classification
In: XXth ISPRS Congress, pp. 6, Istanbul, Turkey, ISPRS.

dos Santos, A and Gonzlez-Gordillo, JI (2004).
Illustrated keys for the identification of the Pleocyemata (Crustacea: Decapoda) zoeal stages, from the coastal region of south-western Europe
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 84(1):205-227.

El Khalki, A, Gaudy, R, and Moncef, M (2004).
Étude des variations saisonnières du peuplement de copépodes de l’estuaire de l’Oum Er Rbia (côte atlantique du Maroc): impact de la pollution urbaine de la ville d’Azemmour
Mar. Life, 14(1-2):19-29.

Froidefond, J and Doxaran, D (2004).
Télédétection optique appliquée à l'étude des eaux côtières
Télédétection, 4(2):579-597.

Grosjean, P, Picheral, M, Warembourg, C, and Gorsky, G (2004).
Enumeration, Measurement, and Identification of Net Zooplankton Samples Using the ZOOSCAN Digital Imaging System
ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 61(4):518-525.

Henshaw, SL, Curriero, FC, Shields, TM, Glass, GE, Strickland, PT, and Breysse, PN (2004).
Geostatistics and GIS: Tools for Characterizing Environmental Contamination
Journal of Medical Systems, 28(4):335-348.

Holz, C (2004).
Climate-induced variability of fluvial and aeolian sediment supply and gravity-driven sediment transport off Northwest Africa
PhD thesis, University of Bremen.

Holz, C, Stuut, JW, and Henrich, R (2004).
Terrigenous sedimentation processes along the continental margin off NW Africa: implications from grain‐size analysis of seabed sediments
Sedimentology, 51(5):1145-1154.

Idrissi, M, Ait Laamel, M, Hourimeche, A, and Chagdali, M (2004).
Impact of the swell on the current morphological and sedimentary evolution of the coastal zone of Casablanca“Mohammedia" (Morocco)
Journal of African Earth Sciences, 39(3-5):541-548.

Ifremer (2004).
Rapport d'activités 2004 du Département « Polluants Chimiques »
IFREMER, Direction de l'Environnement et de l'Aménagement Littoral, Annual Activity Report(R.INT.DEL-PC/2005.01/Nantes), Nantes, France.

Jager, T, Crommentuijn, T, van Gestel, CAM, and Kooijman, SALM (2004).
Simultaneous Modeling of Multiple End Points in Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests
Environmental Science & Technology, 38(10):2894–2900.

Kuhlmann, H (2004).
Reconstruction of the sedimentary history offshore NW Africa: Application of core-logging tools
PhD Thesis, Bremen University, Bremen, Germany.

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