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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Pearce, NJ and Mann, VL (2006).
Trace metal variations in the shells of Ensis siliqua record pollution and environmental conditions in the sea to the west of mainland Britain
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 52(7):739-755.

Pradhan, Y, Lavender, SJ, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, and Aiken, J (2006).
Seasonal and inter-annual variability of chlorophyll-a concentration in the Mauritanian upwelling: Observation of an anomalous event during 1998-1999
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53(14-16):1548-1559.

Ramirez, R, Collado, C, Bergasa, O, Hernandez, JJ, and Gelado, MD (2006).
Gastropod molluscs as indicators of the cadmium natural inputs in the Canarian Archipelago (Eastern Atlantic Ocean)
In: Environmental Toxicology, pp. 203–211, WIT Press.

Ramzi, A, Hbid, M, and Ettahiri, O (2006).
Larval dynamics and recruitment modelling of the Moroccan Atlantic coast sardine (Sardina pilchardus)
Ecological Modelling, 197(3-4):296-302.

Rijkenberg, M and Achterberg, E (2006).
RV Poseidon cruise 332. Chasing Saharan Dust Storms: winter, 26 January-26 February 2006
Natural Environment Research Council, Swindon SN2 1EU, UK.

Robinson, A and Brink, K (2006).
The Global Coastal Ocean: Interdisciplinary Regional Studies and Syntheses
Harvard University Press, vol. 14.

Rodríguez, J, Hernández-León, S, and Barton, E (2006).
Vertical distribution of fish larvae in the Canaries-African coastal transition zone in summer
Marine Biology, 149(4):885–897.

Ruiz, F, Abad, M, Olías, M, Galán, E, González, I, Aguilá, E, Hamoumi, N, Pulido, I, and Cantano, M (2006).
The present environmental scenario of the Nador Lagoon (Morocco)
Environmental Research, 102(2):215-229.

Sellin, M and Kolok, A (2006).
Cd Exposures in Fathead Minnows: Effects on Adult Spawning Success and Reproductive Physiology
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 51(4):594-599.

Sidoumou, Z, Gnassia-Barelli, M, Siau, Y, Morton, V, and Roméo, M (2006).
Heavy metal concentrations in molluscs from the Senegal coast
Environment International, 32(3):384-387.

Smaoui-Damak, W, Rebai, T, Berthet, B, and Hamza-Chaffai, A (2006).
Does cadmium pollution affect reproduction in the clam Ruditapes decussatus? A one-year case study
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 143(2):252-261.

Smith, G, Wietz, N, Soltau, C, and Viljoen, A (2006).
Assessment of the Cumulative Effects of Sediment Discharges from On-shore and Near-shore Diamond Mining Activities on the BCLME

Szczerbik, P, Mikołajczyk, T, Sokołowska-Mikołajczyk, M, Socha, M, Chyb, J, and Epler, P (2006).
Influence of long-term exposure to dietary cadmium on growth, maturation and reproduction of goldfish (subspecies: Prussian carp Carassius auratus gibelio B.)
Aquatic Toxicology, 77(2):126–135.

Taljaard, S (2006).
Baseline assessment of sources and management of land-based marine pollution in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystems (BCLME) region
CSIR unpublished report: BCLME Project BEHP/LBMP/03/01.

Tovar-Sanchez, A, Sañudo-Wilhelmy, SA, Kustka, AB, Agustí, S, Dachs, J, Hutchins, DA, Capone, DG, and Duarte, CM (2006).
Effects of Dust Deposition and River Discharges on Trace Metal Composition of Trichodesmium spp. in the Tropical and Subtropical North Atlantic Ocean
Limnology and Oceanography, 51(4):1755-1761.

UNEP (2006).
The State of the Marine Environment. Regional Assessments
UNEP/GPA, UNEP/SoE Report, The Hague.

UNEP (2006).
Africa Environment Outlook 2 – Our Environment, Our Wealth (AEO-2)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Union, E (2006).
Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Communities and the Kingdom of Morocco - Council Regulation EC No 764/2006 of 22 May 2006 (OJ L141 of 29 May 2006)
Miscellaneous publication.

Union, E (2006).
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs
Miscellaneous publication.

Venier, P, De Pittà, C, Pallavicini, A, Marsano, F, Varotto, L, Romualdi, C, Dondero, F, Viarengo, A, and Lanfranchi, G (2006).
Development of mussel mRNA profiling: Can gene expression trends reveal coastal water pollution?
Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 602(1-2):121-134.

Verge, G (2006).
Evaluation et gestion du risque lié à l'ingestion de produits de la mer contaminés par le cadmium
Thèse Vétérinaire, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France.

Wien, K, Holz, C, Kölling, M, and Schulz, HD (2006).
Geochemistry and position of turbidites in the Cap Timiris Canyon off Mauritania

Young, OR, Berkhout, F, Gallopin, GC, Janssen, MA, Ostrom, E, and van der Leeuw, S (2006).
The globalization of socio-ecological systems: An agenda for scientific research
Global Environmental Change, 16(3):304-316.

Zhang, L and Wang, WX (2006).
Significance of subcellular metal distribution in prey in influencing the trophic transfer of metals in a marine fish
Limnology and Oceanography, 51(5):2008-2017.

Achard-Joris, M (2005).
Études biochimiques et génétiques de la réponse adaptative de mollusques face aux contaminations métalliques et au stress oxydant
PhD Thesis, Univ. Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, France.

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