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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Sangermano, F and Ronald Eastman, J (2012).
A GIS framework for the refinement of species geographic ranges
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, In press:1-17.

Sangil, C, Sansón, M, Afonso-Carrillo, J, Herrera, R, Rodríguez, A, Martín-García, L, and Díaz-Villa, T (2012).
Changes in subtidal assemblages in a scenario of warming: Proliferations of ephemeral benthic algae in the Canary Islands (eastern Atlantic Ocean)
Marine Environmental Research, 77:120-128.

Santos, F, deCastro, M, Gómez-Gesteira, M, and Álvarez, I (2012).
Differences in coastal and oceanic SST warming rates along the Canary Upwelling Ecosystem from 1982 to 2010.
Continental Shelf Research, 47:1-6.

Santos-Echeandía, J, Caetano, M, Brito, P, Canario, J, and Vale, C (2012).
The relevance of defining trace metal baselines in coastal waters at a regional scale: The case of the Portuguese coast (SW Europe)
Marine Environmental Research, 79:86-99.

Schilling, J, Freier, KP, Hertig, E, and Scheffran, J (2012).
Climate change, vulnerability and adaptation in North Africa with focus on Morocco
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 156:12–26.

Schmoker, C, Arístegui, J, and Hernández-León, S (2012).
Planktonic biomass variability during a late winter bloom in the subtropical waters off the Canary Islands
Journal of Marine Systems, 95:24-31.

Sherman, K and Mc Govern, G (2012).
Frontline Observations on Climate Change and Sustainability of Large Marine Ecosystems

Troupin, C, Mason, E, Beckers, J, and Sangrà, P (2012).
Generation of the Cape Ghir upwelling filament: A numerical study
Ocean Modelling, 41:1-15.

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Rapport d'un audit effectué au maroc du 11 au 22 juin 2012 afin d'évaluer les systèmes de contrôle en place régissant la production des produits de la pêche et des mollusques bivalves vivants destinés à l'exportation vers l'Union Européenne
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Zaafa, A, Ettahiri, O, Berraho, A, Elkhiati, N, Somoue, L, Zizah, S, Ramdani, M, Blaghen, M, and Flower, R (2012).
A comparative study of marine zooplankton communities in the Tangier and M’Diq (Gibraltar strait) regions
Hydroécologie Appliquée.

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Réchauffement climatique: risque accru d'infections et d'intoxications
Agence France Presse.

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L’économie politique des ressources halieutiques dans le monde arabe : la leçon marocaine
The Economic Research Forum, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.

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Royaume du Maroc. Changement climatique et secteur halieutique : Impacts et recommandations
World Bank, Note de Stratégie(P-ESW 113768).

Anonymous FAO (2011).
Rapport de la Journée nationale de la pêche artisanale en Méditerranée marocaine. Tanger, Maroc, 2 juin 2011
FAO; CopeMed II; ArtFiMed.

ArtFiMed, F (2011).
Guide des principales espèces débarquées par la pêche artisanale à Dikky (Maroc)
FAO, Malaga, Espagne. FAO-ArtFiMed Développement durable de la pêche artisanale méditerranéenne au Maroc et en Tunisie.

Ayón, P, Swartzman, G, Espinoza, P, and Bertrand, A (2011).
Long-term changes in zooplankton size distribution in the Peruvian Humboldt Current System: conditions favouring sardine or anchovy
Marine Ecology. Progress Series, 422:211-222.

Azirar, A and Bayed, A (2011).
Structuring conditions of benthic macroinfauna on sandy beaches in lagoonal environment
In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Sandy Beaches, vol. 6, pp. 101–102, Rabat, Morocco. Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique, Rabat, série générale.

Ballon, M, Bertrand, A, Lebourges-Dhaussy, A, Gutiérrez, M, Ayon, P, Grados, D, and Gerlotto, F (2011).
Is there enough zooplankton to feed forage fish population off Peru? An acoustic (positive) answer
Progress in Oceanography, accepted.

Barnes, C, Irigoien, X, De Oliveira, JAA, Maxwell, D, and Jennings, S (2011).
Predicting marine phytoplankton community size structure from empirical relationships with remotely sensed variables
Journal of Plankton Research, 33(1):13-24.

Belghyti, D, Mouhssin, M, Mokhtar, N, El Kharrim, K, Morand, S, and Bouchereau, JL (2011).
Systématique de deux nouveaux copépodes parasites de la sardine Sardina pilchardus Walbaum 1792) de l'Atlantique marocain (Kenitra-Mehdia)
Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 17(3):173–180.

Bodin, N, N'Gom Ka, R, Le Loc'h, F, Rafray, J, Budzinski, H, Peluhet, L, and Tito de Morais, L (2011).
Are exploited mangrove molluscs exposed to Persistent Organic Pollutant contamination in Senegal, West Africa?
Chemosphere, 84(3):318-327.

Brewin, RJ, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Lavender, SJ, Raitsos, DE, Hirata, T, Uitz, J, Devred, E, Bricaud, A, Ciotti, A, and Gentili, B (2011).
An intercomparison of bio-optical techniques for detecting dominant phytoplankton size class from satellite remote sensing
Remote Sensing of Environment, 115(2):325-339.

Brochier, T, Mason, E, Moyano, M, Berraho, A, Colas, F, Sangrá, P, Hernandez-Leon, S, Ettahiri, O, and Lett, C (2011).
Ichthyoplankton transport from the African coast to the Canary Islands
Journal of Marine Systems, 87(2):109-122.

Báez, JC and Real, R (2011).
The North Atlantic Oscillation affects landings of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Gulf of Cádiz (south of Spain)
Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27(5):1232-1235.

CENTRI (2011).
Morroco agreements
Miscellaneous publication.

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