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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Penney, A, Pulfrich, A, Rogers, J, Steffani, N, and Mabille, V (2008).
Data Gathering and Gap Analysis for Assessment of Cumulative Effects of Marine Diamond Mining Activities on the BCLME Region
Pisces Environmental Services.

Petit, J (2008).
5. Macaronesia
In: Petit J. and Prudent G (eds) Climate change and biodiversity in the European Union overseas entities, pp. 122–135, UICN.

Rejomon, G (2008).
Trace metal concentrations in marine zooplankton from the western Bay of Bengal
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 6(1):107-116.

Rossi, N and Jamet, J (2008).
In situ heavy metals (copper, lead and cadmium) in different plankton compartments and suspended particulate matter in two coupled Mediterranean coastal ecosystems (Toulon Bay, France)
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56(11):1862-1870.

Rykaczewski, RR and Checkley, DM (2008).
Influence of ocean winds on the pelagic ecosystem in upwelling regions
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(6):1965-1970.

Rüdiger, H, Hanebuth, TJ, Krastel, S, Neubert, N, and Wynn, RB (2008).
Architecture and sediment dynamics of the Mauritania Slide Complex
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 25(1):17-33.

Snoussi, M, Ouchani, T, and Niazi, S (2008).
Vulnerability assessment of the impact of sea-level rise and flooding on the Moroccan coast: The case of the Mediterranean eastern zone
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 77(2):206-213.

Sokolova, IM and Lannig, G (2008).
Interactive effects of metal pollution and temperature on metabolism in aquatic ectotherms: implications of global climate change
Climate Research, 37(2-3):181-201.

Tay, C, Asmah, R, and Biney, C (2008).
Trace Metal Concentrations in Commercially Important Fishes from some Coastal and Inland Waters in Ghana
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, 13:27-38.

Tuset, VM, Lombarte, A, and Assis, C (2008).
Otolith atlas for the western Mediterranean, north and central eastern Atlantic
Scientia Marina, 72(S1):1–192.

UNEP (2008).
Interim review of scientific information on cadmium

Union, E (2008).
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 629/2008 amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs
Miscellaneous publication.

Usero, J, Morillo, J, and El Bakouri, H (2008).
A general integrated ecotoxicological method for marine sediment quality assessment: Application to sediments from littoral ecosystems on Southern Spain’s Atlantic coast
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56(12):2027–2036.

Waeles, M, Tanguy, V, Lespes, G, and Riso, RD (2008).
Behaviour of colloidal trace metals (Cu, Pb and Cd) in estuarine waters: An approach using frontal ultrafiltration (UF) and stripping chronopotentiometric methods (SCP)
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 80(4):538-544.

Williams, LM and Oleksiak, MF (2008).
Signatures of selection in natural populations adapted to chronic pollution
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8(1):282-294.

Xu, Y, Feng, L, Jeffrey, PD, Shi, Y, and Morel, F (2008).
Structure and metal exchange in the cadmium carbonic anhydrase of marine diatoms
Nature, 452(7183):56-;61.

Yan-hong, Z, CHENG, Y, Gen-xing, PAN, and Lian-qing, LI (2008).
Cd, Zn and Se content of the polished rice samples from some Chinese open markets and their relevance to food safety [J]
Journal of Safety and Environment, 1.

Ait Fdil, M (2007).
L'activité valvaire de la moule marine mytilus galloprovincialis comme outil d'évaluation de la toxicité: Conception, mise au point et réalisation d'un détecteur valvaire de la pollution pour les eaux marines
Thèse de Doctorat, Université Cadi Ayyad, Faculté des Sciences, Semlalia, Marrakech, Morocco.

Al-Shwafi, NA and Rushdi, AI (2007).
Heavy metal concentrations in marine green, brown, and red seaweeds from coastal waters of Yemen, the Gulf of Aden
Environmental Geology, 55:653-660.

Atarhouch, T, Rami, M, Naciri, M, and Dakkak, A (2007).
Genetic population structure of sardine ( Sardina pilchardus ) off Morocco detected with intron polymorphism (EPIC-PCR)
Marine Biology, 150(3):521-528.

Batteen, ML, Martinho, AS, Miller, HA, and McClean, JL (2007).
A process-oriented modelling study of the coastal Canary and Iberian Current system
Ocean Modelling, 18(1):1–36.

Benmessaoud, F (2007).
Qualité physico-chimique, métallique et bactériologique des eaux de l'estuaire du Bou Regreg et impact sur la biologie et la démographie de Venerupis decussata (Linnée, 1758) et Cardium edule (Linée, 1767)
PhD Thesis, Université Mohamed V - Agdal Faculté des Sciences, Rabat, Morocco.

Berraho, A (2007).
Relations spatialisées entre milieu et ichtyoplancton des petits pélagiques de la côte Atlantique marocaine (Zones centrale sud)
PhD Thesis, Université Mohamed V - Agdal Faculté des Sciences, Rabat, Morocco.

Boisseau, O, Matthews, J, Gillespie, D, Lacey, C, Moscrop, A, and Ouamari, NE (2007).
A visual and acoustic survey for harbour porpoises off North-West Africa: further evidence of a discrete population
African Journal of Marine Science, 29(3):403–410.

Burgos, JM and Horne, JK (2007).
Sensitivity analysis and parameter selection for detecting aggregations in acoustic data
ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 64(1):160-168.

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