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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Allaume, P and Mathias, D (2008).
Étude sur les Possibilités de Diversification de la Production
FENIP, EU contract report(01/FENIP/PAAP/2-23).

Alvarez-Salgado, X, Labarta, U, Fernández-Reiriz, M, Figueiras, F, Rosón, G, Piedracoba, S, Filgueira, R, and Cabanas, J (2008).
Renewal time and the impact of harmful algal blooms on the extensive mussel raft culture of the Iberian coastal upwelling system (SW Europe)
Harmful Algae, 7(6):849-855.

Anajjar, EM, Chiffoleau, JF, Bergayou, H, Moukrim, A, Burgeot, T, and Cheggour, M (2008).
Monitoring of trace metal contamination in the Souss estuary (South Morocco) using the clams Cerastoderma edule and Scrobicularia plana
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 80(3):283-288.

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Analyse du secteur des pêches et de l’aquaculture dans le nouveau contexte
Ministère des Finances et de la Privatisation. Direction des Etudes et des Prévisions Financières, Rabat, Morocco.

Anonyme (2008).
Cadre législatif et réglementaire dans la gestion de la pêche au Maroc
Miscellaneous publication.

Arthurton, YS, Le Tissier, M, Snoussi, M, Kitheka, J, Shaghude, Y, Kane, A, Flöser, G, and Kremer, H (2008).
AfriCat: LOICZ - Global Change Assessment and Synthesis of River Catchment - Coastal Sea Interactions and Human Dimensions in Africa
LOICZ, IPO, Geesthacht, Germany.

ATSDR (2008).
Toxicological profile for cadmium
US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Draft for Public Comment, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Badjeck, MC (2008).
Vulnerability of coastal fishing communities to climate variability and change: implications for fisheries livelihoods and management in Peru
PhD Thesis, Univ. Bremen, Germany, Bremen, Germany.

Benazzouz, A (2008).
Indices de Refroidissement des eaux de surfaces de la mer dérivés des images satellites dans les zones d'upwelling Exemple: upwelling Côtier marocain
Miscellaneous publication.

Biswas, BK, Svirezhev, YM, Bala, BK, and Wahab, MA (2008).
Climate change impacts on fish catch in the world fishing grounds
Climatic Change, 93(1-2):117-136.

Born, K, Christoph, M, Fink, AH, Knippertz, P, Paeth, H, and Speth, P (2008).
Moroccan Climate in the Present and Future: Combined View from Observational Data and Regional Climate Scenarios
In: Climatic Changes and Water Resources in the Middle East and North Africa, pp. 29–45.

Boumhras, M (2008).
Évaluation de la toxicite des moules (mytilus galloprovencialis) issues de Jorf Lasfar (JL) et Oualidia (OL) sur la moelle osseuse chez le rat
Master thesis, Université Hassan 1er, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Settat, Settat, Morocco.

Carson, M and Harrison, DE (2008).
Is the Upper Ocean Warming? Comparisons of 50-Year Trends from Different Analyses
Journal of Climate, 21(10):2259-2268.

Chabeaud, A, Dutournié, P, Guérard, F, Vandanjon, L, and Bourseau, P (2008).
Application of Response Surface Methodology to Optimise the Antioxidant Activity of a Saithe (Pollachius virens) Hydrolysate
Marine Biotechnology, 11(4):445-455.

Chaouti, A and Bayed, A (2008).
Spatial patterns of soft-bottom macro-invertebrates and relationships with environmental conditions in a North African coastal lagoon (Smir lagoon, Morocco)
Vie et milieu, 58(1):25–35.

Clarke, A and Tyler, PA (2008).
Adult Antarctic Krill Feeding at Abyssal Depths
Current Biology, 18(4):282-285.

Couillard, CM, Macdonald, RW, Courtenay, SC, and Vince, P (2008).
Chemical - environment interactions affecting the risk of impacts on aquatic organisms: A review with a Canadian perspective - interactions affecting exposure
Environmental Reviews, 16:1–17.

Cutter, SL, Barnes, L, Berry, M, Burton, C, Evans, E, Tate, E, and Webb, J (2008).
A place-based model for understanding community resilience to natural disasters
Global Environmental Change, 18(4):598-606.

D'Orgeval, T (2008).
Impact du changement climatique sur la saison des pluies en Afrique de l'Ouest : que nous disent les modèles de climat actuels?
Sècheresse, 19(2):79-85.

Devlin, M, Barry, J, Mills, D, Gowen, R, Foden, J, Sivyer, D, and Tett, P (2008).
Relationships between suspended particulate material, light attenuation and Secchi depth in UK marine waters
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 79(3):429–439.

Diaz, RJ and Rosenberg, R (2008).
Spreading Dead Zones and Consequences for Marine Ecosystems
Science, 321(5891):926-929.

Driouech, F, Déqué, M, and Mokssit, A (2008).
Numerical simulation of the probability distribution function of precipitation over Morocco
Climate Dynamics, 32(7-8):1055–1063.

El Morhit, M, Fekhaoui, M, Serghini, A, El Blidi, S, El Abidi, A, Bennaakam, R, Yahyaoui, A, and Jbilou, M (2008).
Impact de l’aménagement hydraulique sur la qualité des eaux et des sédiments de l’estuaire du Loukkos (côte atlantique, Maroc)
Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat(30):39–47.

Fabry, VJ, Seibel, BA, Feely, RA, and Orr, JC (2008).
Impacts of ocean acidification on marine fauna and ecosystem processes
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 65(3):414-432.

Faucher, K, Fichet, D, Miramand, P, and Lagardère, J (2008).
Impact of chronic cadmium exposure at environmental dose on escape behaviour in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.; Teleostei, Moronidae)
Environmental Pollution, 151(1):148–157.

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