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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Chapin, IF, Kofinas, G, Folke, C, Carpenter, S, Olsson, P, Abel, N, Biggs, R, Naylor, R, Pinkerton, E, Stafford-Smith, D, Steffen, W, Walker, B, and Young, O (2009).
Resilience-based stewardship: Strategies for navigating sustainable pathways in a changing world.
In: Principles of ecosystem stewardship: : Resilience-based natural resource management in a changing world, pp. 319–337, Springer Verlag, New York, USA.

Chechko, VA and Kurchenko, VY (2009).
Studying the aerosol fluxes by using the floating aerosol trap
Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 33(11):739-742.

Chlaida, M (2009).
Variabilité allozymique associée au flux migratoire des populations de sardine, Sardina pilchardus, le long de la côte Nord Ouest africaine
PhD Thesis, Université Mohamed V - Agdal Faculté des Sciences, Rabat, Morocco.

Chlaida, M, Laurent, V, Kifani, S, Benazzou, T, Jaziri, H, and Planes, S (2009).
Evidence of a genetic cline for Sardina pilchardus along the Northwest African coast
ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 66(2):264-271.

Costa, V, Lourenço, H, Figueiredo, I, Carvalho, L, Lopes, H, Farias, I, Pires, L, Afonso, C, Vieira, AR, and Nunes, ML (2009).
Mercury, cadmium and lead in black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839) from mainland Portugal and the Azores and Madeira archipelagos
Scientia Marina (Barcelona), 73(S2):77-88.

Da Cunha, LC, Croot, P, and LaRoche, J (2009).
Influence of river discharge in the tropical and subtropical North Atlantic Ocean
Limnology and oceanography, 54(2):644-648.

Dauphiné, A and Provitolo, D (2009).
Résilience, risque et SIG
In: IDRC GIS Workshops, pp. 9, Dakar, Senegal, IDRC-CRDI.

De Laender, F, Oevelen, DV, Middelburg, JJ, and Soetaert, K (2009).
Incorporating Ecological Data and Associated Uncertainty in Bioaccumulation Modeling: Methodology Development and Case Study
Environmental Science & Technology, 43(7):2620-2626.

Demarcq, H (2009).
Trends in primary production, sea surface temperature and wind in upwelling systems (1998-2007)
Progress In Oceanography, 83(1-4):376-385.

EFSA (2009).
Opinion of the Scientific Committee/Scientific Panel: Cadmium in food - Scientific opinion of the Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain
The EFSA Journal, 980:1-39.

Ekau, W, Auel, H, Pörtner, H, and Gilbert, D (2009).
Impacts of hypoxia on the structure and processes in the pelagic community (zooplankton, macro-invertebrates and fish)
Biogeosciences Discussions, 6(3):5073–5144.

El Morhit, M (2009).
Hydrochimie, éléments traces métalliques et incidences Ecotoxicologiques sur les différentes composantes d'un écosystème estuarien (Bas Loukkos)
PhD Thesis, Université Mohammed V - Agdal, Rabat, Morocco.

El Morhit, M, Fekhaoui, M, Elie, P, Girard, P, Yahyaoui, A, El Abidi, A, and Jbilou, M (2009).
Heavy metals in sediment, water and the European glass eel, Anguilla anguilla (Osteichthyes: Anguillidae), from Loukkos river estuary (Morocco, eastern Atlantic)
Cybium, 33(3):219–228.

Fablet, R, Pecquerie, L, Hoie, H, Jolivet, A, Millner, R, Mosegaard, H, Kooijman, SA, and De, H (2009).
Can we model otolith growth and opacity patterns as a response to environmental factors and fish metabolism? A DEB-based framework
TELECOM Bretagne, Research Report(RR-2009005-SC), Brest, France.

FAO (2009).
Guidelines for acoustic surveys in the northwest African region/Directives pour les campagnes acoustiques dans la région de l'Afrique du Nord-Ouest
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department Publications, Rome, Italy.

Faraj, A (2009).
Techniques géostatistiques au service de l’aménagement de la pêcherie céphalopodière marocaine
PhD Thesis, ENSMP.

Farber, DA (2009).
A Legal Framework for Climate Adaptation Assessment
Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C, USA. Issue Briefs.

Fischer, G, Karakas, G, Blaas, M, Ratmeyer, V, Nowald, N, Schlitzer, R, Helmke, P, Davenport, R, Donner, B, Neuer, S, and Wefer, G (2009).
Mineral ballast and particle settling rates in the coastal upwelling system off NW Africa and the South Atlantic
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98(2):281-298.

Fischer, G, Reuter, C, Karakas, G, Nowald, N, and Wefer, G (2009).
Offshore advection of particles within the Cape Blanc filament, Mauritania: Results from observational and modelling studies
Progress In Oceanography, 83(1-4):322-330.

Folke, C, Kofinas, GP, and Chapin, IFS (2009).
Principles of Ecosystem Stewardship. Resilience-Based Natural Resource Management in a Changing World
Springer New York, New York, NY. (ISBN: 978-0-387-73032-5).

Gattuso, JA and Hansson, L (2009).
European project on Ocean Acidification (epOcA)
Oceanography, 22(4):190.

Giorgi, F, Jones, C, and Asrar, GR (2009).
Addressing climate information needs at the regional level: the CORDEX framework
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Bulletin, 58(3):175.

Gordo, LS, Baptista, I, Carvalho, L, Costa, V, Cruz, C, Eiras, JC, Farias, I, Figueiredo, I, Lourenço, H, Bordalo-Machado, P, Neves, A, Nunes, ML, Reis, S, Santos, MJ, Saraiva, A, and Vieira, AR (2009).
Stock structure of black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839) in the southern northeast Atlantic
Scientia Marina, 73(S2):89-101.

Hahn, MB, Riederer, AM, and Foster, SO (2009).
The Livelihood Vulnerability Index: A pragmatic approach to assessing risks from climate variability and change - A case study in Mozambique
Global Environmental Change, 19(1):74-88.

Halpern, BS, Kappel, CV, Selkoe, KA, Micheli, F, Ebert, CM, Kontgis, C, Crain, CM, Martone, RG, Shearer, C, and Teck, SJ (2009).
Mapping cumulative human impacts to California Current marine ecosystems
Conservation Letters, 2(3):138–148.

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