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Références bibliographiques utiles pour le projet

There are 1007 references in this bibliography folder.

Zonneveld, KAF, Susek, E, and Fischer, G (2010).
Seasonal variability of the organic-walled dinoflagellatecyst production in the coastal upwelling region off cape Blanc (Mauritania): a five-year survey
Journal of Phycology, 46(1):202-215.

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La modélisation d'accompagnement: Une démarche participative en appui au développement durable
Editions Quae. Update -Sciences & Technologies. (ISBN: 2759206203).

Ahat, M, Amor, SB, Bui, M, Lamure, M, and Courel, MF (2009).
Pollution Modeling and Simulation with Multi-Agent and Pretopology
Complex Sciences, 4(1):225–231.

Allison, EH, Perry, AL, Badjeck, M, Adger, WN, Brown, K, Conway, D, Halls, AS, Pilling, GM, Reynolds, JD, Andrew, NL, and Dulvy, NK (2009).
Vulnerability of national economies to the impacts of climate change on fisheries
Fish and Fisheries, 10(2):173-196.

Almeida, JA, Barreto, RE, Novelli, ELB, Castro, FJ, and Moron, SE (2009).
Oxidative stress biomarkers and aggressive behavior in fish exposed to aquatic cadmium contamination
Neotropical Ichthyology, 7(1):103–108.

Alvarez, JC and Vodden, K (2009).
Local ecological knowledge and the impacts of global climatic change on the community of seaweed extractors in Pisco-Perá
In: Management of Engineering & Technology. PICMET 2009. Portland International Conference, pp. 1025–1032, Portland, Maine, U.S.A., IEEE (ISBN: 9781890843).

Annabi, A, Messaoudi, I, Kerkeni, A, and Said, K (2009).
Comparative study of the sensitivity to cadmium of two populations of Gambusia affinis from two different sites
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 155(1-4):459-465.

Arkhipov, A (2009).
Seasonal and interannual variation of ichthyoplankton off Mauritania
Journal of Ichthyology, 49(6):460-468.

Arkhipov, A (2009).
Seasonal and interannual variation of ichthyoplankton off the coast of the Moroccan Sahara
Journal of Ichthyology, 49(3):228-235.

Arístegui, J, Barton, ED, Álvarez-Salgado, XA, Santos, AMP, Figueiras, FG, Kifani, S, Hernández-León, S, Mason, E, Machu, E, and Demarcq, H (2009).
Sub-regional ecosystem variability in the Canary Current upwelling
Progress In Oceanography, 83(1-4):33-48.

Bachari-Houma, F (2009).
Modélisation et cartographie de la pollution marine et de la bathymétrie à partir de l'imagerie satellitaire
PhD Thesis, Université du Val de Marne Paris XII.

Barhoumi, S, Messaoudi, I, Deli, T, Saïd, K, and Kerkeni, A (2009).
Cadmium bioaccumulation in three benthic fish species, Salaria basilisca, Zosterisessor ophiocephalus and Solea vulgaris collected from the Gulf of Gabes in Tunisia
Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21(7):980–984.

Belkin, IM (2009).
Rapid warming of Large Marine Ecosystems
Progress In Oceanography, 81(1-4):207-213.

Belkin, IM, Cornillon, PC, and Sherman, K (2009).
Fronts in large marine ecosystems
Progress in Oceanography, 81(1-4):223–236.

Bellamy, E, Lefebvre, A, Mahe, K, and De Rafelis, M (2009).
Croissance de la coque (Cerastoderma edule) en baie de Somme: Morphométrie et Marquage

Bergayou, H, Mouneyrac, C, Pellerin, J, and Moukrim, A (2009).
Oxidative stress responses in bivalves (Scrobicularia plana, Cerastoderma edule) from the Oued Souss estuary (Morocco)
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72(3):765-769.

Blaha, F (2009).
Regulatory alternatives for European Union market access.
In: Second workshop on fish technology, utilization and quality assurance in Africa, Agadir, Morocco, 24-28 November 2008., pp. 155–164, Agadir, Morocco, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (ISBN: 2070-6987).

Bodiguel, X, Maury, O, Mellon-Duval, C, Roupsard, F, Le Guellec, A, and Loizeau, V (2009).
A dynamic and mechanistic model of PCB bioaccumulation in the European hake (Merluccius merluccius)
Journal of Sea Research, 62(2-3):124-134.

Bonhommeau, S, Blanke, B, Tréguier, A, Grima, N, Rivot, E, Vermard, Y, Greiner, E, and Le Pape, O (2009).
How fast can the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) larvae cross the Atlantic Ocean?
Fisheries Oceanography, 18(6):371-385.

Bouimetarhan, I, Marret, F, Dupont, L, and Zonneveld, K (2009).
Dinoflagellate cyst distribution in marine surface sediments off West Africa (17–6°N) in relation to sea-surface conditions, freshwater input and seasonal coastal upwelling
Marine Micropaleontology, 71(3–4):113-130.

Brochier, T (2009).
Stratégie de reproduction des petits poissons pélagiques dans les zones d'upwelling: Une approche par modélisation individu-centrée appliquée aux systèmes de courants de Humboldt et des Canaries
PhD, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France.

Brochier, T, Colas, F, Lett, C, Echevin, V, Cubillos, L, Tam, J, Chlaida, M, Mullon, C, and Fréon, P (2009).
Small pelagic fish reproductive strategies in upwelling systems: A natal homing evolutionary model to study environmental constraints
Progress In Oceanography, 83(1-4):261-269.

Bécognée, P, Moyano, M, Almeida, C, Rodríguez, J, Fraile-Nuez, E, Hernández-Guerra, A, and Hernández-León, S (2009).
Mesoscale distribution of clupeoid larvae in an upwelling filament trapped by a quasi-permanent cyclonic eddy off Northwest Africa
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 56(3):330-343.

Béné, C (2009).
Are fishers poor or vulnerable? Assessing economic vulnerability in small-scale fishing communities
Journal of Development Studies, 45(6):911-;933.

Carta, JA, Ramírez, P, and Velázquez, S (2009).
A review of wind speed probability distributions used in wind energy analysis: Case studies in the Canary Islands
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13(5):933–955.

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