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V.L. Trainer, G.C. Pitcher, B. Reguera, and T.J. Smayda (2010)

The distribution and impacts of harmful algal bloom species in eastern boundary upwelling systems

Progress in Oceanography, 85(1–2):33–52.

Comparison of harmful algal bloom (HAB) species in eastern boundary upwelling systems, specifically species composition, bloom densities, toxin concentrations and impacts are likely to contribute to understanding these phenomena. We identify and describe HABs in the California, Canary, Benguela and Humboldt Current systems, including those that can cause the poisoning syndromes in humans called paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP), and amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), as well as yessotoxins, ichthyotoxins, and high-biomass blooms resulting in hypoxia and anoxia. Such comparisons will allow identification of parameters, some unique to upwelling systems and others not, that contribute to the development of these harmful blooms.

ebus, Harmful algal blooms, upwelling areas

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