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Gorka Merino, Francesc Maynou, and Jean Boncoeur (2009)

Bioeconomic model for a three-zone Marine Protected Area: a case study of Medes Islands (northwest Mediterranean)

ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66(1):147–154.

Merino, G., Maynou, F., and Boncoeur, J. 2009. Bioeconomic model for a three-zone Marine Protected Area: a case study of Medes Islands (northwest Mediterranean). - ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66: 147-154. The bioeconomic effects of establishing a three-zone Marine Protected Area (MPA) are investigated. The division of the area into zones, fully protected, partially protected, and a fishing zone, permits a combination of extractive (fishing) and touristic activities. The consequences for species conservation, commercial fishing, and touristic activities are analysed for a set of different area-size distributions and fishing-effort levels. The model parameters are based on Medes Islands MPA in the northwestern Mediterranean. For the case study, the economic analysis includes revenues from scuba diving, glass-bottom boat trips, and commercial fisheries. Our results help to illustrate the benefits of the coexistence of extractive and non-extractive activities in a realistic, three-level MPA.

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